Bolster Staff Retention and Maximize Productive Collaboration with Salesforce
The U.S. education sector has an undeniable staffing problem. Years of slow hiring and declining job satisfaction have culminated in a drastic K-12 teacher shortage. Per reports from the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, approximately 36,500 teaching positions in the United States are currently vacant — and 163,500 jobs are occupied by teachers who are underprepared or underqualified for their roles.
The current retention problem is due, in part, to the fact that teachers are overstressed and undersupported. These realities naturally hinder schools’ abilities to perform their primary function: educating and preparing students for the future. However, if institutions reduce stress and take steps to boost job satisfaction, they may be able to improve public perception of teaching as a profession, stem the turnover tide, and efficaciously serve children. In this white paper, we'll consider how institutions can leverage digital collaboration platforms to reduce teachers’ nonacademic workloads, reduce burnout risk, and retain staff. This asset will further unpack:
- How faculty stress contributes to staff turnover in education
- Why implementing a digital collaboration platform can help alleviate teachers’ nonacademic work burdens and empower them to deliver better student experiences at scale
- A practical example: How a middle school might leverage Salesforce Education Cloud to navigate a complex student situation and avoid stressful miscommunications